Announces a competition for the position of ACAA promotion company on Implementation of the Communication Plan on AСAA Agreement

The NGO «Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine» announces a competition for the position of ACAA promotion company on Implementation of the Communication Plan on AСAA Agreement for the «TIPSTER: Trade, Intellectual Property Support and Technical Regulation» program (hereinafter – Project). 

The project is being implemented by the NGO «Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine» within the international cooperation project ReACT4UA (“Utilization and Implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the field of trade”), that is financed by the German Government and implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.  

The main tasks of the ACAA promotion company on the implementation of the communication plan on ACAA Agreement include providing expert advice and support to the Technical Regulation Department of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine regarding the promotion of issues related to the preparation for the conclusion of the ACAA Agreement in the mass media.

Scope of work:

  • providing communication services;

  • developing a communication and promotion material, its dissemination in media and social networks;

  • implementation of strategy / media plan;

  • creating audio and video content, organizing public events and interviews;

  • cooperation with state institutions on promotion of specific topics and /or state reform process;

  • providing expert advice on the implementation of the communication plan on ACAA Agreement;

  • participation in activities to raise the awareness of interested parties, including SMEs (for example, webinars, forums, conferences initiated by the Ministry of Economy).

Qualifications of Expert 

  • general professional experience: at least 10 years of experience in PR and communication;

  • knowledge of methods and technologies of promotion of specific topic and effective communication with target groups on specific topic;

  • experience in development and implementation of promotion strategy / media plan, etc;

  • experience in cooperation with state institutions, e.g. ministries of Ukraine on promotion of specific topis;

  • experience in organizing interviews, development of audio- video- content, organization of public events and other experience related to implementation of tasks above.Experience in  ACAA topic promotion would be an advantage.

Deadline: 22 September 2023, 18:00.

If you are interested in this opportunity to become an ACAA promotion company on Implementation of the Communication Plan on AСAA Agreement of the project «TIPSTER: Trade, Intellectual Property Support and Technical Regulation» and have the required qualifications, please send your offering outlining your relevant experience to: