In September, the Non-governmental union "Foundation for support of reforms in Ukraine" has signed a grant agreement with the United States Embassy in Ukraine to promote Go Global project: a national program for studying and promotion of foreign languages.
In the first phase of the project is focused on efforts for supporting and learning English language.
In the framework of cooperation in 2015 the US Embassy supports the establishment of start-up office of the Initiative and gladly shares knowledge and best practices.
The priority actions and activities in cooperation with the Embassy are as follows:
- Appointment of project managers of the Initiative
- Development of international tests for language proficiency
- Conduction of a nationwide promotional campaign (PSAs, etc.).
- Creating the online-portal of the Initiative.
- Round tables, forums and press conferences.
Еhe project Go Global, which was initiated by the community and supported by Ukrainian President and Government, aims to promote and increase the demand for learning foreign languages. Studying of foreign languages was determined as one of priorities of national policy of Ukraine.