Call for the services of an international consultant to support the organization and implementation of a study tour to Germany on intellectual property development issues

The Non-Governmental Union "Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine" announces a tender for the procurement of services of an international consultant to support the organization and implementation of a study tour to Germany on Intellectual Property development issues within the framework of the Project "TIPSTER: Trade, Intellectual Property Support and Technical Regulation".

We plan to conduct one study tour for representatives of Ukrainian policy makers and practitioners in the field of intellectual property (approximately 8 persons) to Germany tentatively in November 2024.

The Foundation is seeking a qualified international consultant to support the conceptual design, organization and implementation of a study tour to Germany on the topic of intellectual property. The consultant's tasks will include development of a concept and detailed agenda, as well as organisation of the study tour which shall cover (but not limited to) the following topics: the legal regulation of trade secrets, industrial designs, and the collective management of copyright and related rights in the European Union, which require appropriate responses in Ukraine as part of the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law (Acquis Communautaire).

The selected supplier must ensure the quality of such services:  

 а) Development of the concept and detailed agenda of the study tour:  

 - identification of potential organizations to be visited during the study tour, coordination and organization of visits to relevant organizations, institutions and companies (such as GEMA, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, as well as specialized law firms working in the field of intellectual property);  

 - development of detailed content for each meeting, identifying the most relevant topics for a discussion;  

 -development of a detailed agenda for the entire study tour;  

 - identification of network partners to initiate and develop contacts for the Ukrainian delegation who can later serve as focal points and provide advise and consultation for Ukrainian officials; 

b) Organizing a study tour:  

 - participate in the study tour as an expert moderator, facilitating knowledge sharing and discussions during each meeting;  

 - organize a closing session at the end of the study tour to summarize the results and answer questions from participants;  

 - collecting materials for the study tour coverage (providing photos from the study tour for publication, taken in high resolution and in a working context);

c) Advisory support and accompaniment:  

 - conducting an introductory session (online) before the study tour (approximately 1-2 hours) aimed at adaptation of the participants;  

 - providing support and accompaniment to the study tour participants as part of the group;  

 - assistance to study tour participants in case of unforeseen and/or emergency situations;   

 - conducting a survey after the study tour to collect feedback and suggestions of participants;  - - conducting a debriefing with the participants after the study tour;   

- prepare a final report of up to 7 pages on the results of the study tour, including highlights and documentation of the most important achievements, participant feedback and evaluation, as well as an assessment of their feedback. 

Qualification requirements for the procured service provider:    

  • experience in providing services for organizing group and individual international tours;  
  • experience in the field of intellectual property development;  

For more detailed information on the tasks to be performed by the contractor, please refer to the TOR Study Tour Intellectual Property (in English).

To participate in the tender, please complete and submit the documents available at the following links: 

Application form: Application form.docx

Budget: Price proposal (Budget).xlsx

Please send the completed set of documents to the following e-mail address: with the subject line "Procurement of international consulting services": "Procurement of services of an international consultant for organizing and conducting a study tour on IP development".  

The tender deadline has been extended. New deadline: Sunday, September 22, 2024 (23:59).

The TIPSTER project is being implemented by the NGU "Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine" with the financial support of the German government within the framework of the international cooperation project ReACT4UA ("Application and Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the Field of Trade"), implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The project aims to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in view of EU accession.