Вакансії проекту SURGe при Мін'юсті

Our partner organization, SURGe Project, is looking for the expert team to assist the Ministry of Justice with the planning and implementation of the penitentiary reform. 

Support to Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe) project is a new five-year project that was launched in October 2019 by Agriteam Canada. SURGe’s Ultimate Outcome is to help the Government of Ukraine (GoU) to deliver governance and economic reforms that better respond to the needs of its citizens.

The expert team will assist the Ministry of Justice with the planning and implementation of the penitentiary reform, which aims to promote more wider application of non-custodial measures to offenders who committed minor or medium gravity offences and to create proper conditions for the detention of convicts in penitentiary institutions promoting their rehabilitation and decreasing the risk of reoffending.

Open positions:

  • Financial Advisor;
  • Communication Expert;
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Expert.

To apply, pls, send your CV and cover letter in English to: valeriias@agriteam.ca

Details: https://edge.in.ua/vacancies/